Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chapter 8 Discussion

The Freedom to be Vulnerable

"What emotional situation in your children's lives are you tempted to trivialize? If we are responding to them the way God responds to us, how should we answer them?"

"Do you our your child have a "thorn in the flesh" that will probably never be taken away? How have you dealt with this or how will you help your child accept and make the most of them?"

"Take a moment to think about or write down one or two ways you can encourage your children right now as they make their way through the vulnerable time of childhood. As you share these with the group, pray for one another and hold each other accountable to do them."

Chapter 7 Discussion

The Freedom to be Different

"What are some of the ways that your children are different, quirky, bizarre, or unique? Have you been annoyed or embarrassed by these?"

"Why do you think we have a tendency to attach evil power to different attitudes or actions? How have you observed the Christian community doing this?"

"How can we come alongside other parents who are struggling with their children and be an asset rather than a detractor?"

"The next time your child wants to follow a fad, what are you going to do? A few hints: Is it a biblical or moral issue? Is it a practical or financial issue? Is it a personal issue with you or them?"

Chapter 6 Discussion

A Delivery System for Grace

"Why do you think we naturally gravitate toward a checklist, formula-based parenting model? What does this say about our view of God?"

"What do you think scares us about the grace-based model of parenting that focuses on the heart of a child rather than their behavior? What does this say about our view of God?"

"What perceptions or assumptions of yours were challenged in this chapter?"

Chapter 5 Discussion

Please provide some comments on the thoughts below:

"After reading this chapter, have you become aware of anything you are doing to keep your children helpless by over-protecting them rather than preparing them?"

"What are some natural bents of your children? How are you helping them develop these natural and unique gifts and skills?"

"How are you going to step out in faith and encourage your children to live a spiritual life?"

Chapter 4 Discussion


We are going to change the format a little bit to try and encourage more discussion on the book! For the next chapters I am going to post some questions and thoughts to respond to.

"How are you modeling to your children the importance of helping others develop to their full potential?" How are you trying to help develop your child's full potential?"

"How do you give out legitimate praise to your child?"

"How are you administering discipline and consequences gracefully?"